大好評! 那覇からオクマまで 無料シャトルバス 運行中!

[投稿日] 2018年4月18日

大好評! 那覇からオクマまで 無料シャトルバス 運行中!

オクマ プライベートビーチ & リゾートは、ご宿泊のお客様専用の無料シャトルバスを運行中です。沖縄県内は車が多く、渋滞も多いのが特徴です。無料シャトルバスのご利用で、長距離運転を気にすることなく、快適にホテルまでアクセスいただけます。



運行期間: 毎日(完全予約制)



那覇方面行き:オクマ出発(9:00)→伊芸SA休憩(10分)→ 那覇空港着(11:30)→リーガロイヤルグラン沖縄着(11:45)→ハイアットリージェンシー那覇着(12:00)





オクマ プライベートビーチ & リゾート


【ご利用に関して 必ずお読みください】





※自然災害(台風、地震等)により、沖縄本島路線バスの運行中止が決定された場合、 当ホテルシャトルバスも運行を中止いたします。









Free  Shuttle Bus Service from Naha to Okuma Now Available!

The Okuma Private Beach and Resort have launched a free shuttle bus service every day for our staying guests. The service is provided to help reduce traffic delays for incoming and outgoing guests. For bus reservations, please call us at 0980-41-2222 no later than 18:00 the day prior to your departure. 

From Naha to Okuma

Departure time/location:

13:00 / Hyatt Regency Naha

13:15 / Rihga Royal Gran Okinawa

10 minute break at the Igei Service Area

Arrive at Okuma at 15:30

From Okuma to Naha

Departure time/location:

09:00 / Okuma

10 minute break at the Igei Service Area

11:30 / Naha Airport (drop-off only)

11:45 / Rihga Royal Gran Okinawa

12:00 / Hyatt Regency Naha

*Bus bound for Naha Airport is non-stop except for the 10 minute break at the Igei service area.

*Pick-up locations will be at the Hyatt Regency Naha and the Rihga Royal Gran Okinawa.

Ideal for guests who do not have a driver’s license, or feel uncomfortable driving,and for those who are primarily staying within the Okuma Private Beach & Resort.

[PLEASE READ before use of the service]

*Reservations Required. Please reserve a seat no later than 18:00 the day before your departure. 

Reservations will be closed as soon as the number of passengers reaches to the limit. 

*The bus cannot wait for passengers, regardless of the flight delays or delays because of inclement weather.

*The bus may be delayed during travel depending on the traffic conditions. Please allow yourself extra time.

*The hotel shuttle bus service will be cancelled in case of natural disasters such as typhoons or earthquakes.

*We DO NOT pick up passengers from the Naha Airport. (Pick-ups are from the designated hotels above only.)

*Eating, drinking, and smoking are strictly prohibited on the bus.

*We will not be liable for lost valuables or broken items.

*No pre-seating assignments accepted.

*The bus WILL NOT go on standby. Please give yourself extra time to be at the pick-up sites.

*Bus schedule may change without notice. Please check with the hotel clerk for details.

*Pets are not allowed.